Practice Product Sales Resource copy, UX copy, messaging: professionalizing Allergan’s intranasal neurostimulator
In 2018 FCB created an HCP-only site called filled with resources to help doctors incorporate TrueTear into their practices. I was the sole copywriter.
This is a long-scroll site with a bunch of asset downloads, obviously messaging-heavy; Allergan’s goal was to push some of the knowledge gained from early TrueTear practices out to more ECPs.
My name for the prominent section in the Brand Messaging Guidelines below called It May Be Unfamiliar, But It Works was It’s Weird, But It Works first, and I had ten often genuinely funny examples of things we use every day that once seemed wei—er, unfamiliar. Only contact lenses, CPAP machines and acupuncture made it through.
Contact Lenses
“You expect me to touch my eyes with a piece of wet plastic every day? And then pull it out at night?““Sure, it may be unthinkable at first, but we use them!”
To me, when you’re suggesting how to talk to people about an intranasal neurostimulator, i.e. a device that goes up your nose, they would hope for just a little levity.
“We’ll zip across the sky inside a metal tube on top of two huge engines and somehow get there safely?”“That seems alarming, but the numbers say it’s amazingly safe!”